Llengua anglesa




Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
                                                                                                          Nelson Mandela

Celebrating the 200th birthday of CHARLES DICKENS.



“Have a heart that never hardens, and a temper that never tires, and a touch that never hurts.”

About DICKENS 2012. www.dickens2012.org/

Dickens 2012 is an international celebration of the life and work of Charles Dickens to mark the bicentenary of his birth, which falls on 7 February 2012.


  •                                   DID YOU KNOW?  

Charles Dickens had a pet raven named Grip. When the bird died in 1841 he had it stuffed and it is now in the Free Library of Philadelphia.

As a young man Charles Dickens worked for nearly four years as a newspaper reporter working on court cases and legal proceedings. This experience found its way into many of his books.

Charles Dickens and his wife Catherine had ten children. Many of them were named after famous writers.

Many of Charles Dickens' books were printed in magazines in serial form before being published in book format. Unlike other authors who finished their stories before the magazines printed them, Dickens often wrote each episode as they were being serialized. This meant that his stories had a rhythm which kept the reader looking forward to the next episode, just like a modern day TV series.

One of Charles Dickens' daughters was named Dora after the character in his book David Copperfield. The real Dora died tragically of an illness just like the Dora in the book.